How are you feeling about teaching? If you were to score yourself on a “feelings barometer”, a scale 1 (low) to 10 (high), where would you rate your positivity? Where would you stand?
Perhaps you are looking for some direction or confirmation that you are making a difference with the students, teachers, and community you support. Perhaps you want to continue growing, developing your skills, and working together with your colleagues, but you are not sure what the next steps are on this journey.
I don’t know about you, but teaching can be exhausting, isolating, and challenging. As an educator for more than 30 years, education is NOT the same as it was when I began my career. The demands placed upon educators today are far more intense than when I began teaching. I have sat in many courses and conferences and had those sleepless nights – or planning for a specific student – and little sleep. I’ve given up time with family, friends, and family treasures to support the students in my class.
What’s changed? Standards, technology, testing, access, funding, and the list goes on.
However, as I reflect upon my career, I appreciate the opportunity to “grow” in my knowledge over this timeframe. The foundation I experienced in my early days, challenges along the way, and extra training and reading not only set me up for success, but also ignited my passion to support new educators in this challenging field. I can say I am still passionate about education, proud to be an educator, and pleased to work with new educators as they begin their journey.
Let me ask you . . . Where are you on your journey?
A few years ago, I picked up this book, HEART!, by Timothy Kanold, and spent some time reading this book with colleagues. At a time when there were many political challenges (frustrating) beyond my control . . . I was able to take control of my attitude. That’s right! This book is just what I needed to get back on track . . . back on track to support those amazing students and colleagues that I see every single day!
I felt so passionate about this “mindset turnaround”, that I wanted to offer you and others the opportunity to focus on YOU as a professional educator and discover the real impact that YOU make on each student, colleague, and yourself with opportunities to overflow into your family and friend communities.
You see, in this book, HEART!, and through collaboration, I was able to examine five distinct elements of a professional life. I read, reflected, and rediscovered how to not only inspire my students and colleagues, but myself. I learned how to leave a positive “heartprint”
upon each person I met every day and the value it brought to my own life.
If you’re in a place of frustration, discouragement, feeling like you are not making a difference, lacking the same passion you had a few short years ago . . . I’d like to invite you to participate in this book club, HEART! ~ Transforming Your Professional Life as a Teacher and Leader.
Through each of the chapters, you’ll discover insight about yourself and rediscover your WHY. By the end of the book study, you will rekindle your flame to support others in the educational field. Guaranteed!
If you are inspired by the work in this book study and would like to organize a small group of educators to engage in this journey together, please reach out to me. I’m happy to support your group with discounted pricing and/or additional support.
Reminder: The purchase of this book study is for one participant. Please share my course link with others who may be interested in this content, so they can purchase their own course. Thank you!
Required Text:
Kanold, Timothy. (2017). HEART! Fully Forming Your Professional Life as a Teacher and Leader. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.