It is hard to believe that we are nearing the end of the school year. We continue to monitor life around the nation and our world, checking in on the impacts of the COVID-19 health pandemic. At this point in our return to normalcy, states are now considering an appropriate timeframe and phases to begin reopening our communities. While we still don’t know what will happen with each new opening phase, one thing for sure is that we will end our school year with distance learning.
A local parent of my district and Wall Street Journal contributor, wrote an article published in the Wall Street Journal about distance learning in our district. Check this out!

Now that we have had the opportunity to move this education ship a full 180 degree turn in a few days back in March, we’ve implemented a full distance learning program with available resources, community members jumped in to support families and students with learning, and we are beginning to wrap up this school year . . . what will happen in August. Questions begin to arise about the upcoming school year. What will this look like? Will we be engaging in distance learning, learning at school, a blended model? What will be the state of the health care and pandemic? It is not new conversation to hear about the expected resurgence of the COVID-19 virus in the fall. At least we know more about this virus, are working towards a vaccine, and will be better prepared for the fall when we begin another school year.

We made it!! It is hard to believe how crazy this year turned out to be. I am truly thankful for all my students and their parents for helping us to make lemonade out of our lemons.
While we don’t know what is going to happen in the fall, we are going to make certain our students have a fabulous end of the year celebration to begin their summer vacation.
Inspiring post.. even though none of us knows what is ahead it always gr6to stay positive ad grateful for what we have!
This year has made me especially thankful that we are a homeschooling family. We did not experience the same level of change and upheaval that others did.
The uncertainty would drive me crazy. If I had kids in school I would hate not knowing because you can’t plan for anything right now.
We are still “uncertain” as to how school will start in the fall. However, we do have more options and time to plan, compared to the quick shut down in March over spring break.
I can’t imagine how difficult this must be.
So many parents are struggling with not having their kids in school and working from home. I am not sure how they do it!
It’s hard to plan for what is going to happen in the fall when kids are supposed to go back to school. Thankfully I work from home so it’s been easier on us than some of our friends with both parents still working outside the home and having to help with school work with the kids at home. We struggle and I have no idea how they are keeping it together.
I have to admit that I’m glad I don’t have school-aged children right now. I can’t even imagine what parents were going through. I have two young grandsons, but they’re in pre-k and pre-school. My daughter spends 20 minutes a day with each of them teaching them, but I know so many parents had a hard time teaching their kids.
I understand. I can’t imagine teaching all day, doing revamping lesson plans in the evening, AND teaching my own children. I’m glad they are grown.
Nice article; so true we don’t know what things will be like in the fall, but hopefully they will be more back to normal than now. Most of us realize that we’ll never truly be “back to normal.”
A lovely send-off! Who could have predicted how this year would end!
My remote-learning school year just ended Friday. What a roller coaster! Teachers in my building really rocked in order to get on top of it all.