My Top 10 Tips for Self Care

Self Care ~ What is it?

How often do we take that moment to do something that makes us happy?  Most of us are juggling several roles: mom/dad, wife/husband, brother/sister, son/daughter, friend, coworker, leader, club organizer,  chauffer, problem solver . . . and the list goes on!  We all have the same 24 hours in each day, but how we spend this time often focuses on giving it to others.

How can we keep our own buckets full, so we have the time and energy to give to others?  The steps taken to do things that reenergize oneself is known as “self care”.

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Self Care: Who?

Who needs self care?  Everyone!!  When you think about the youngest of our communities, the activities that brings smiles to their faces . . .  yes . . . they are enjoying self care.  This is exactly what adults need to do.

There are lots of books and other resources to assist with “self care”.  Below are a few that I like, but feel free to search for your own favorite. 

Self Care Prescription
Self Care 365Self Care Solution

Self Care: Why?

As humans, we are a giving person.  This is just how we operate.  However, when we are always giving to others, doing for others, and not taking time for ourselves, our bucket becomes depleted.  It’s important to take time to fill your own bucket, so you maintain a positive attitude and can continue doing what makes you happy – helping others!

Listen in to Hailey Hardcastle, as she shares important information during a TedTalk to support self care for students – which completely relates to adults.


Self Care: How

What do you enjoy doing?  Crafting, reading, music, working out, running, singing, cooking, baking, woodworking, being with others, traveling, suntanning . . . the list is endless!  Do whatever brings a smile to your face, so you have the energy to keep going.  Humans are not the energizer bunny . . . we need to take care of ourselves, so we can continue to put our best foot forward with a smile on our face!

Check out my “Top 10 Tips for Self Care” below and visit the FREE resources for additional self care ideas. 

Self Care: 10 Tips

Are you ready to engage in self care?  Check out my top 10 tips and get on the healthy road to balanced happiness!

  1.  Eat, hydrate, and sleep . . . Our body needs these basic elements in order to function properly.  As we learned from Pavlov in psychology class, these are our basic needs. 
  2. Exercise, stretch, and meditate . . . Our body needs to move and our brain needs quiet time.  Go for a walk, hike, workout, and enjoy yoga to bring peace to your body.
  3. Journal, read . . . Writing is very meditative and brings one an opportunity to get thoughts out.  Reading can be relaxing and take you on an adventure or to another place that represents joy.
  4. Be creative . . . whether you enjoy crafting, sewing, painting, woodworking, cooking, or baking . . . there are many ways to be creative and take part in self care.
  5. Socialize . . . oftentimes just spending time with people (extrovert) can be a great way to experience self care.
  6. Play games, watch a movie . . . how often do you take time to play games with friends and family or check out that favorite movie?  The time may be now to enjoy something else for your brain to focus.
  7. Nature . . . Enjoy nature . . . go hiking, running, walking, canoeing, camping, or just for a drive to reenergize yourself.
  8. Water . . . take a bubble bath, soak in the hot tub, go for a swim, enjoy the sauna or steam room to engage in self care.
  9. Music . . . turn on your favorite music, sing along, dance, play an instrument, or just listen to the quiet birds singing outside.
  10. Self Care Day . . . enjoy a day off from the hustle and bustle of every day life and relax.  This looks different for everyone, but taking a “just for you” day to do something that makes you happy is worth it!

Self Care – Perspectives

It is important to remember that self care can look different for every person. There is no “one way” to take care of oneself.  We all have different communities, traditions, cultures, and roles that impact our self care. However, what is the same is the need to reenergize oneself to maintain a healthy body, healthy mind, and healthy spirit.  

Self Care: Final Thoughts

Taking care of one’s self is very important.  Take it from the airline flight attendant’s safety demonstration “Put on your oxygen mask before helping others”.  Go ahead . . . take care of yourself before you take care of others.    

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Annette Durbin

Annette has been an educator for more than 30 years working in the PK-6 elementary classroom, K-12 multi-language learner instructional specialist, district leadership, university professor, as well as a mentor for teachers nationwide. A National Board Certificated Teacher, Annette focuses her research on accelerating learning and advancing achievement, personalizing instruction, technology, and leadership in the education field.

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