Student Engagement and Motivation in Assessment Action Research

Action Research: Question

Question: How can teachers improve student engagement and motivation in assessment and increase achievement?

Increasing student motivation and engagement are areas every educator wants to see increase. The question is ~ How can educators effectively increase these traits?

I decided to take an opportunity to do some action research and was pleasantly surprised with the results. Read on to learn how my students experienced success!

Student Engagement and Motivation Assessment Converns

It’s that time of the year when students are taking state and district assessments, end-of-quarter tests, or even course final exams. Testing is something that everyone needs to do for a variety of purposes. However, if your students are like mine, sometimes there is little motivation to take these tests.

student engagement and motivation in assessment
Learn how to support struggling writers and turn them into authors.

I know testing can be a struggle. Some students do well in class on projects, discussions, and assignments and FAIL the test.

Other students don’t complete or participate in class assignments, but PASS the test. There is never a WIN-WIN!

What can educators do to ensure students demonstrate learning?

Engagement and Motivation: Perspectives

There are various perspectives on assessments. Typically . . . students hate them, and teachers and parents need them to monitor progress.

STUDENTS: Do your students enjoy taking tests? How many of them struggle? How many just don’t care about tests? What is the purpose of taking a test? Why do I need to test!?

TEACHERS: What types of assessments are students taking? Are there testing options? Do you take time to analyze the results? How do you use the results to guide your next instructional sequence?

PARENTS: Is my child learning? Is my child improving? What can I do to support my child?

Action Research: Assessment

As an educator, I had all the same challenges educators and parents face, same student, teacher, and parent perspectives. I wanted to figure out what I could do to change these students’ attitudes about testing so they could see the value and experience success.

student engagement and motivation in assessment
Teach struggling writers and overcome challenges.

Therefore, I decided to allow my students to redo lessons, quizzes, and tests to demonstrate learning. I wanted to find out if the students would take this opportunity to show me learning AND if this option would encourage, motivate, and help students become “owners” of their learning.

I allow my students several options to redo work with varied support and expectations. The number one key to all options ~ the student had to come to me and initiate the learning options.

Student Motivation and Engagement – Process

LESSONS: During the learning process, assignments are not graded in terms of meeting a standard, but in terms of monitoring progress towards meeting the standard. After students have had time to practice the skill, a graded assignment is given to monitor progress. If a student is not happy with the assignment grade, the student can redo this lesson. When a student chooses to redo a lesson, I will take time to provide 1:1 support during independent work time or recess, although I’ve also had students stay after school for additional support. If the student initiates this learning, I will make sure there is time to provide some reteaching.

QUIZZES/TESTS: When students have had ample time to practice concepts, it is time to demonstrate learning. Once the quiz/test is given and graded, students review current results. If the student doesn’t perform to his/her expectation, he/she has the option to demonstrate learning and improve his/her grade. After the student reviews lessons, quizzes, and asks me questions, the student writes me a letter detailing what he/she noticed about his/her errors and what has been done to prepare for the retake. Oftentimes, I’ll take some time to review with the student the overall concepts and then set up a time for the retake.

Conclusion about Student Engagement and Motivation

Action Research Conclusion: As a result of the extra support I provide and opportunities for students to demonstrate learning, the results have been positive. I found that students were motivated to excel by taking time to review lessons and retest. Students also took ownership of their learning not only in my class, but in other classes as well. Parents also told me how their students’ attitudes about testing changed. Students were no longer anxious about testing, but more relaxed, since there was an option for improvement.

Templates: Assessment and Lesson

One of the ways that I supported my students during the lesson and study reviews is using graphic organizers. Therefore, I created these templates that are perfect for creating assessments, games, assignments, reviews, lessons, and even center tasks. These templates were helpful for my students. Therefore, feel free to use this resource by editing the templates to fit your specific needs or print them off and use them as graphic organizers. I’m sure your students will be grateful, too.

student engagement and motivation in assessment

Assessments: Changing Attitudes

I’ve seen students who initially “didn’t care” about their work change their attitude and “care” because they know they can do better. As a result of my action research, students began to work harder in class and prepare for the first assessment attempt. Students shared how they appreciated the opportunity to try again and they were less anxious about taking the test. Parents appreciate that I care about their children by allowing them opportunities to learn again and demonstrate that learning. I have always believed that learning doesn’t have to be the same way and at the same time for all students.

I know this is a “new way” of thinking, but I am in the business of ensuring each student that passes through my class LEARNS!! Honestly, this philosophy simply aligns with my perspective about differentiating instruction and differentiating assessment, including personalized learning.

Related Resources: Student Engagement and Motivation

Opportunities to support student’s needs through differentiating learning opportunities are beneficial for students. In the end, this is our goal for students – providing opportunities to demonstrate learning and experience success. Yes, even in failure, learning and success should be the outcome.

Tips for Allowing Test Retakes

Five Tools to Measure Classroom Learning

Final Thoughts About Student Engagement and Motivation in Assessments

Giving students an opportunity to redo lessons, quizzes, and tests is an option for students to not only demonstrate learning, but to increase motivation, engagement, and ownership of learning. Not all students will take advantage of this opportunity; however, those students who do are more motivated to achieve AND are advancing their learning. Isn’t that the goal of education? Why not give your students this option and see what happens? You just might be pleasantly surprised!

how to improve academic performance of weak students, how to increase student engagement in the classroom, student engagement and motivation in assessment

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Annette Durbin

Annette has been an educator for more than 30 years working in the PK-6 elementary classroom, K-12 multi-language learner instructional specialist, district leadership, university professor, as well as a mentor for teachers nationwide. A National Board Certificated Teacher, Annette focuses her research on accelerating learning and advancing achievement, personalizing instruction, technology, and leadership in the education field.

This Post Has 54 Comments

  1. Margaret

    I love the idea of giving the children an opportunity to try again, to re-test. It is supported by your willingness to work with them one on one which I believe is also an important part of supporting students.

    1. Annette Durbin

      Thank you, Margaret! The 1:1 connection to personalize learning is very important. Not all kiddos can understand the information when presented with a large group of students. Oftentimes, the student(s) doesn’t feel comfortable asking a question. There are many ways to work with students and promote learning.

      Take care,

  2. Michelle

    Our teachers used to offer retakes for a certain percentage of the total score – you couldn’t get your A any longer, but if you got everything right you would get a B maybe. Something along those lines.. I think it’s a great idea, because a lot of times in life you get an opportunity to learn from your mistakes. Example: our real estate investments. We definitely didn’t ace it the first time, but we learned so much from our mistakes and each time we get better and retain more knowledge!

  3. jen

    I have mixed feelings on this. Ultimately, I love the concept, just think it really depends on the WHY behind the retake. I am a big advocate for personal responsibility but also realize sometimes people just need another chance.

    1. Annette Durbin

      Jen, Great point! I believe the key here is the educator “knowing” the student’s strengths and weaknesses.

      Thanks for sharing!

  4. Jennifer Morrison

    During my second attempt at college I had a professor who allowed me to retake tests and resubmit papers. To do this, I committed to showing that I had completed extra hours of studying the work, and sufficient changes post her initial correction of my papers. In addition, she allowed me to do extra credit which she would allow me to correct and improve. I received and A+ in the course, and it was the first time I can truly remember learning. The process very much improved my ability and desire to continue pressing in.

    1. Annette Durbin

      Jennifer, thanks for sharing your experience. Your last sentence sums up the end goal – “The process very much improved my ability and desire to continue pressing in.” Students are more motivated and own their learning.

      Thanks for sharing!

  5. Suzan

    I know my daughter loves having the retakes. She just graduated summa cum laude this May so she is a bit of an overachiever & loves when she can retake to try to get a higher grade.

    1. Annette Durbin

      Love it,Suzan!! Self-motivation, drive, determination – she certainly doesn’t settle and wants to always do her best.

      Thanks for sharing!

  6. Charlene

    I think retakes is a great way to enforce true learning. Now the kids can learn from their mistakes instead of just regretting them and forgetting them

  7. Pauline

    I loved this and what a great idea. My eight year old is one of those who just doesn’t care about school work but this retake thing gets her motivated because she feels like she’s competing against herself. Every time she has to retake or redo, she always gets 100.

    1. Annette Durbin

      Such a self-motivated student who strives to achieve!!!

      Thanks for sharing!

  8. Anna

    I personally believe that retaking tests can help learn and understand the subject better. So I vote “yes” on this one.

  9. Christina Furnival

    I love that you are meeting students where they are at! It takes a special teacher like you for kids to realize what they are capable of. Great work!

    1. Annette Durbin

      Thank you for your kind words, Christina!!

      Have a wonderful day!

  10. Chris

    Like anyone – like a blogger – who is doing something creative and trying to process lots of information and get it out in a coherent manner, sometimes a second pass is needed before it’s in good shape. The same applies for giving students a retake. Taking some of the initial pressure off can boost their confidence and give them more impetus to really dig in on the second try.

    1. Annette Durbin

      Well said, Chris!! As I read your comment, my mind went to revising a writing piece – same idea.

      Thanks for sharing!

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