Technology. How does it impact your life? Do you see yourself using new technological innovations throughout the day? What innovations are yet to be created? How do you use technology to teach? Are your students safe when on the computer? How do you teach digital skills so students can safely interact with others?

These are questions parents and teachers ask themselves, hoping they are teaching students to be safe online.
In some way or another, technology has impacted how we live, function, work, play, and learn. Daily life involves technology. It doesn’t matter your age, ethnicity, or career, technology is literally in our hands and has opened up the world.
Whether you use technology to learn new information, share information, or even create information . . . technology has impacted our lives.
Digital Citizenship the Third Week in October
While technology can positively impact our lives, unfortunately, it can also cause problems. As a result, we need to have the skills and knowledge necessary to be a “good digital citizen”.
Therefore, in schools across America, the third week of October is dedicated to engaging students in lessons, activities, and projects that focus on how to be a good digital citizen.

I am always excited about this week! We’ve been focusing on building our classroom community and learning how to use technology for learning.
Now my students are ready to deepen their knowledge about digital citizenship.
Knowing how to interact with people online, how to stay safe, and how to determine the validity of information are important components to being a “good digital citizen”.
What is Digital Citizenship?
Common Sense shares “Being a digital citizen is all about taking ownership of our actions and using technology responsibly and respectfully.” This is important to consider, as we need to ensure what we do and how we respond to others in a digital world are essential traits of being a successful digital citizen. Listen to the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) CEO Richard Culatta, as he discusses the new lens on digital citizenship that focuses on the do’s of digital citizenship.
How to be a Great Digital Citizen
The overall instructional goals are to support development in these five technological competencies. There are numerous lesson plans, activities, and books available to support teaching digital citizenship skills. I am sharing some of my favorites below, but a simple Google search will provide even more resources for you to consider using in your own classroom at school or home.
To get started, check out how we can build upon the conversation from the ISTE video above, and take a deeper look at the “do’s and don’ts” to seamlessly integrate the skills and knowledge of a digital citizenship curriculum.

Checking out webinars is a great resource for educators and parents who will be providing instructional opportunities for students. Take a look at the resources and determine areas where you can build and deepen your own knowledge.
One way to get your students thinking about being digital citizens is with a kid-created video! Wouldn’t it be fun for your students to create a learning video to share with his/her community?
Now you are ready to successfully integrate the digital citizen lessons. During Digital Citizenship Week, and essentially all year long, Common Sense offers free online activities and lessons to teach kids how to learn, create, and participate responsibly and respectfully in the digital world. There are a variety of lesson ideas for grades K-12. Lessons include videos, cooperative learning activities, paper activities, and books to engage learners. I find these lessons are great branching points to continue extending learning, too.
Another great resource for students is the Digital Passport program where students can excel by achieving advancement levels and demonstrating learning in a gamification format.
As students continue to develop their digital citizenship skills, supporting students in developing digital empathy is paramount. These skills do take time to develop and solidify. This step indicates students are ready to take ownership of their actions and are consistently using technology responsibly and respectfully.
Get Your Digital Citizenship Resource?

Are you ready to increase student motivation, engagement, learning, and achievement?
I am very excited for you to get your hands on this resource that is perfect for engaging and motivating your learners to excel.
Whether you are flipping your classroom, using technology for centers, or blending technology with more instruction, these are great resources to implement into your program.
I’ve also included some bonus tips to help you save time with usage while navigating this resource.
So check over “Online Learning Resources to Boost and Accelerate Learning & Achievement”, implement these resources, and be ready to hear and see success!
I have created this free resource to support your learners using technology as an instructional tool.
Download your free resource today!
Teaching with Children’s Literature
Besides the lessons above, a wonderful way to teach is through children’s literature. Besides the conceptual digital lessons focused on in this post, these are great stories to revisit for other literacy lessons.
Using children’s literature is a great resource for teaching concepts. Students identify with characters and their stories. These connections bring about meaningful conversations in a safe, caring environment. I’ve included additional picture book titles that can be a useful resource focusing on digital citizenship and using technology in the classroom.
One of my favorite books I use in my digital citizenship lessons is Technology Tail. This book is a great resource as it focuses on the school-age student.

Family Support and Tips
Now that students have had conversations regarding digital citizenship, parents can support their children with additional conversations that may be challenging to discuss. Students need to hear similar messages at home and school. Working together will ensure that your child has the appropriate skills and knowledge to be a safe, respectful, and responsible user of digital resources.
Digital Citizenship: Related Resources
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Teaching Digital Citizenship Skills
Digital Citizenship: Final Thoughts
Being a “good digital citizen” is an essential life skill. When students learn how their thoughts impact others in person and virtually, they will see that additional care must be taken before posting information. Students just don’t KNOW this information, educators and parents must take time to work with their students to ensure they are making great choices in an online world.
Interesting read!
What a great post. It is so important in this day and age. Now, more than ever with how the schools are being conducted these days.
This is such a great lesson to be taught and to teach to everyone out there. How we use the digital world can have so many different impacts by the words we choose and the things we write. I agree 💯 thank you for sharing!
This is a great idea, and definitely something all kids need right now. I wish adults had something like this too!
I had no idea this was being taught in schools. Good information.
Great read. This is such an important topic for kids. I remember a seminar I took a few years back that the topic was online safety for kids and how parents and teachers were the first line of defense by educating children about online etiquette and online safety.
I’ve never heard of the term digital citizenship until now. Thanks for sharing!