Hello friends!!! WOW!! It has been a crazy 3rd quarter in my neighborhood. I apologize for not sharing the exciting learning news, but no worries . . . we are on spring break in 2 weeks and I’m looking forward to sharing all the excitement with you!!
January started off with my gallbladder acting up. So . . . that seemed to put me down for rest, then surgery, then trying to catch up with grading, planning, conferences, and ASTE (Alaska Society for Technology in Education). OH. . . I can’t wait to share what I learned at ASTE.
For now, I just wanted to drop a quick line to let you know I’m still kicking and will be sharing lots of HAPPENING NEWS during spring break. IF I get some time to share prior to break, I will certainly do so. Just be on the look out for more news.
Have a fantastic week ahead!!