Success Tips to Overcoming Reading Comprehension Challenges

Immigrant newcomers welcome each other and overcoming reading challenges

Problems & Feelings About Reading Challenges

overcoming reading challenges
Families that read together demonstrate the importance of literacy in everyday life.

Results: My 10 Tips for Reading Instruction Revealed!

Create a Print-Rich Environment

Use Phonics and Decoding Strategies

teach handwriting and learn about Alaska, overcome reading comprehension challenges
Tip: Teach handwriting with purpose. Students learn about the 49th state, Alaska, while learning how to write letters. Use this resource to teach phonics and decoding strategies with the grade-level appropriate content text. This series is available in manuscript and cursive.

Provide Varied Reading Materials

Encourage Daily Reading

Model Reading Aloud

NOTE: My website name changed from The Digital Teacher Blog to Blue Ribbon Teacher after creating this video to better represent the work I do in education ~ supporting ALL teachers to be the best Blue Ribbon Teacher he/she can be.

Differentiate Instruction

Incorporate Reading Comprehension Strategies

overcoming reading challenges

Provide Constructive Feedback

Utilize Technology

Teaching with online resources, personalized learning and overcoming reading challenges

Foster a Love for Reading

Reading Comprehension: Related Resources

Effective Strategies for Language Acquisition

How to Teach with Children’s Literature

Reading Comprehension: Final Thoughts

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Annette Durbin

Annette has been an educator for more than 30 years working in the PK-6 elementary classroom, K-12 multi-language learner instructional specialist, district leadership, university professor, as well as a mentor for teachers nationwide. A National Board Certificated Teacher, Annette focuses her research on accelerating learning and advancing achievement, personalizing instruction, technology, and leadership in the education field.

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