Thirsty? Techy H2O Bottle to the Rescue!

Over the December 2017 holiday break, I was watching “The Top 10 Holiday Gifts” on the MSNBC Today Show.  I saw this water bottle that lit up to remind you to drink water.  I thought that would be a cool gift, but wasn’t going to make the purchase for myself, since I already had several water bottles.

Later that evening, my husband and I got on the topic of holiday gifts (Yes, we seem to wait until the last minute to shop.).  I shared this water bottle idea with him.  He thought that would be a great item to have (personally) and went to Amazon to check it out.  It wasn’t long before we were choosing water bottle colors: a dark pink for me and teal/blue for him.

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I have got to say that I’ve been using this Hidrate Spark water bottle for the past seven months and absolutely LOVE IT!!  The water bottle goes everywhere with me.  Once I went home and left it at school. I made a return trip that night to pick it up.  LOL  Well, I had to . . . it was calling me.

PROBLEM:  We all know how important it is to drink at least 64 ounces of water everyday.  I don’t know about you, but I have good intentions of drinking my water.  However, “the busy teacher life” seems to cause a distraction.  As teachers, we always get busy working with students, talking with colleagues, prepping lessons, gathering last minute items . . .   You know what I mean.  Before you know it, the coffee is cold or the water is warm.

I thought that would be a great gift!

SOLUTION:  ENTER the Hidrate Spark water bottle!  I keep the Hidrate Spark bottle on my desk, so it is accessible.  The first time the Hidrate Spark light flashed, my third and fourth graders asked what was going on with the bottle.  I told them the flash is my reminder to drink water.  Anytime the Hidrate Spark is flashing, my kids (especially Haile) are the first to say I need to drink water.  LOL  Once my principal was in my classroom when the Hidrate Spark began flashing.  She asked why the bottle was flashing.  The kids let her know, “Dr. Durbin needs to drink water!”  My students all have water bottles on their desk, too.  This is a great reminder for all of us to drink water.

Besides the flashing light reminder, I love how this water bottle connects to my Apple watch.  I’ll get a notification such as “It’s time to hydrate!” from the Hidrate app to drink more water.  The app keeps track of how many ounces I’ve had AND allows me to manually add water that I drink at a restaurant that is not from the Hidrate Spark.  Hey, I want credit for all my water.  This is simply smart drinking!!


  • GLOWS to remind you to stay hydrated.

  • Tracks water intakes and syncs with smartphones (iOS and Android) via Bluetooth.

  • Integrates with Fitbit®, Apple® Watch, and other activity trackers to adjust your daily water goal to your daily activity level.

  • Holds 24 ounces. Fits in standard cup holder. Bottle cavity and cap dishwasher safe; hand wash sensor stick.

  • Battery operated; no need for charging.

If you’re wanting OR needing to drink more water, add this interactive water bottle, Hidrate Spark, to your Back to School list. This is certainly a water bottle you won’t leave home (or school) without!  This product is highly recommended!

Click this link to view Hidrate Spark and the assortment of colors.  Choose your favorite color and stay hydrated!  If you purchase this product, please share in the comments how it is working for you!!

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Annette Durbin

Annette has been an educator for more than 30 years working in the PK-6 elementary classroom, K-12 multi-language learner instructional specialist, district leadership, university professor, as well as a mentor for teachers nationwide. A National Board Certificated Teacher, Annette focuses her research on accelerating learning and advancing achievement, personalizing instruction, technology, and leadership in the education field.

This Post Has 33 Comments

  1. Kyndall Bennett

    That’s interesting that it glows to remind us to hydrate. As someone who is easily distracted by shiny things, I might benefit from this!

    1. Annette Durbin

      Yes, Kyndall, hence my students keep me on my toes. Just having the reminder is sooo helpful.

      Take care,
      ~ Annette

  2. Annette Durbin

    Hello Jocelyn, yes!!! I love that the kids notice little thinks like this water bottle and the health benefits. It is interesting to see the number of water bottles on kids desks when they know their teacher is drinking water, too.

    ~ Annette

  3. Annette Durbin

    Hey Laura! I don’t know who thought of this idea, but I agree, it is very clever. If you decide to purchase one, let me know know your thoughts, too!!

    ~ Annette

  4. Annette Durbin

    Hello Naomi, yes, I have been doing so much better getting more water into my body using this bottle. It’s been very helpful for me.

    ~ Annette

  5. shanna

    I love new product ideas, and I drink so much water! Great post!

    1. Annette Durbin

      Great Shanna!! This is a fabulous resource to help monitor your water intake for a healthy body.

      ~ Annette

  6. Kat

    What a high tech water bottle! There is tech in everything these days. I can see how this could be helpful for people to drink more water.

    1. Annette Durbin

      Hello Kat! Yes, more and more people are more focused on health these days, and this water bottle is the perfect resource to meet goals.

      ~ Annette

  7. Tina

    Great product idea – I wish I had thought of it! I always have the best intentions to drink more water but only seem to do so when I’m exercising or when I’m thirsty.

    1. Annette Durbin

      I know what you mean, Tina!! Can you imagine being the innovator for this product?!? It certainly is a great idea and very helpful resource!

      ~ Annette

  8. Heidi

    I need to remember drinking water more!

    1. Annette Durbin

      Hello Heidi!! This is a great resource that does the remembering for you! 🙂 That’s the cool part!! It frees up our brain cells to remember other important bits of information.

      ~ Annette

  9. Kristi Ann

    I want this bottle just because it glows! How awesome!!

    1. Annette Durbin

      LOL!! Yes, the glow is pretty cool!! It is a fun and unique tool that certainly makes certain you are reminded to drink water. The other cool part with the Apple watch connection . . . you’ll get fun notifications to drink more water.

      ~ Annette

  10. Kesha

    I am going to have to look into this. I recently had a physical and the doctor said the only thing I needed to start doing is drinking more water, more than the average 64 ounces. It’s been very hard to get almost 100 ounces a water a day. This bottle would be great to remind me when I need to drink.

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