Tech Expo Experts!

Technology! It is everywhere!! My students had an opportunity to participate in a recent district wide event to share how they are learning and demonstrating their learning with technology.


This district event allows students to showcase to their community technology tips and how technology is used for learning. My students were absolutely AMAZING in their communication and teaching skills!! While they presented, I was able to sit back and watch them develop into stronger leaders, teachers, technologists, engineers . . . teaching students of all ages, both other presenters and visitors, as well as adults in our community about these resources.


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3D printing, student experts, technology
My tech experts demonstrating 3D printing and 3D doodle pens.

First, the 3D doodle pens have been such a hit! These pens allow students to create in 2D or 3D. Students engaged in designing their own creations or following the guidelines of templates included in the 3D doodle kits. There are so many options to allow designing and creating to come together. Below is just one sample kit. This kit comes with a pen, filament, charging cord, and templates.


3D Doodle Kit


Secondly, students also shared their 3D printer expertise. Students have created so many items whether related to learning projects, self choice projects, or gifts for others. If you’re looking for an entry level 3D printer, I highly recommend this FlashForge Finder. Check out my post focusing on my “Top 10 TIPS to #3DPrinting”.


3D FlashForge Finder Printer


I was excited to see these students take charge of this event. My job was simply guidance and chaperoning. My fifteen students that participated throughout the day absolutely rocked this event!!


Each of the presenters enjoyed this event. Comments like: “Dr. Durbin, this is a great way to show others what we are doing!” to “Can we do this next year, too?” were common comments throughout the day. Of course, I had treats on hand (kids love food), and they had more time to work with the technology, but without those perks, these kiddos had a FANTASTIC time sharing with our community what they are doing with technology!


How do you use technology in your classroom? Home? How do your kiddos use technology for learning and demonstrating learning – Knowledge Constructors!

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Annette Durbin

Annette has been an educator for more than 30 years working in the PK-6 elementary classroom, K-12 multi-language learner instructional specialist, district leadership, university professor, as well as a mentor for teachers nationwide. A National Board Certificated Teacher, Annette focuses her research on accelerating learning and advancing achievement, personalizing instruction, technology, and leadership in the education field.

This Post Has 32 Comments

  1. So neat, they look HIGHLY engaged. I love it when I have a project going so well that I can just walk around and take pictures of the students! haha

    1. Annette Durbin

      Right!!! Student ownership – then you know you’ve done your job well.

  2. Lina

    Our boys used this at their school and love it.

    1. Annette Durbin

      Great!! I’m soooo glad that they are getting some hands on technology to create and inspire others.

      Thanks for stopping by,
      ~ Annette

  3. Shirley

    Technology these days is mind boggling and amazing! It’s so great to see kids take that step to sharing and leadership roles. Keep up the great work at teaching these young kids.

    1. Annette Durbin

      Thank you, Shirley! When thinking about how I learned and what happens today . . . it is absolutely mind boggling!!!

      Take care,
      ~ Annette

  4. Cindy

    Kids are learning more and more about technology. I love it! When I have a tech question I turn to a grandchild for answers!

    1. Annette Durbin

      Yes, I learn a lot from my digital natives every day. Teachers can’t be afraid to NOT be the expert at everything in today’s classrooms.

      Take care,
      ~ Annette

  5. Karla

    I am just starting to explore the idea of a 3D printer here. I have several techy kids here at home and I thought it might be a boost for summer. It’s not as expensive as I imagined.

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