Buckle your seatbelts! We’re taking a Boeing STEM trip!

Are you ready to take your class on a high flying field trip?!  Everywhere I go, I’m always on the lookout for opportunities to bring real world learning experiences and projects into my classroom.  Last week, my husband and I visited our son in Seattle.  My husband and two sons are aviators, so a stop at Payne Field to visit the Museum of Flight was in order.  This was my first time touring the museum, and it was absolutely amazing!!

We entered the museum and found a large area that shared the history of flight, the International Space Station (ISS), and aircraft design.  It was amazing to see the real engines and how huge they are.  The global display of flags certainly reminded me that aviation/aerospace is a global work experience.

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Aviation and aerospace are global projects.


Another interesting aspect focused on using natural resources to make fuel for airplanes.  Research is focusing on biofuels.  I did not know that plants are being investigated as a resource for fuel. When I think about fuels, fossils come to mind, not plants.  The display was very informative and shared current research opportunities at the University of Washington.

The other exciting component at the museum included exploration and education.  There is a Maker Space area with a variety of STEM related projects for kids of all ages to investigate. This was a lot of fun using the tools to design a working project.  I didn’t get a picture of this (I was playing), but it is certainly one area that you’ll want to investigate!  The hands on activities were fun for all!

Everywhere I go, I’m always on the lookout for opportunities to bring real world learning experiences and projects into my classroom.

As we continued our experience, we were bummed since we just missed the 3D printing presentation; however, we were able to peek into the engineering space and see the projects that are being completed.  While we were peering into the room, we saw two 3D printers working on completing a project. It was interesting to see the projects that were on display – dinosaurs and airplanes were a few.

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A view of the Dreamliner aircraft. There are only 4 aircraft that transport airplane parts from around the world.

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A view of the Museum of Flight featuring the maker space learning area, GE engine, and aircraft.


After our museum tour, we were off to see the Boeing hangars and tour the plant.  Food, bags, phones – really everything – were not allowed to go on this tour, due to getting proprietary information out to aircraft competitors. So . . . I don’t have any pictures.

However, this tour was a highlight!!

I never knew all the steps it takes to build an airplane – the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) was utilized and presented all over the place.  The number of planes that are built each month was impressive.  There were a variety of planes in production during our tour, so we were able to see quite a bit of work happening.  The tour guide was very informative, answered questions, and certainly made sure that you left with a brain full of learning!

This trip was such an inspiration!  I always start the year with team building activities (see post) and this learning experience is the perfect match.  However, since I am looping with my kiddos, I can’t do a repeat aviation lesson, so I’ll need to be creative and change it up a tad.

If you’re looking to learn more about aviation, visit the Museum of Flight on Facebook and use the resources below to help plan a top notch experience that will keep the kiddos flying with excitement!

Are you ready to take your class on a high flying field trip?!

Educator Resources

Whether you are an educator, parent, or student, there is a plethora of information to view that supports your education goal.  If you are fortunate to take your class to the museum in Seattle, Washington, you can choose the specific program to inspire your students.  There is also professional development opportunities, scholarships, and a variety of programs and packages for all ages.  Remember, Donors Choose is a great opportunity to get field trip funding, too!

I would love to bring the Museum of Flight into my Alaska classroom via a virtual experience.  I have emailed the Museum of Flight about this opportunity and hope for a quick response.  I’ll update this post when I get that information.


There are a variety of podcasts to share stories about aviation, aerospace, designing, building, and completing the project.  Each of these are great learning opportunities for some listening skill development.  Listening to the stories of others helps students learn from an expert and different perspective.  New podcasts are released every other Tuesday each month.

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Annette Durbin

Annette has been an educator for more than 30 years working in the PK-6 elementary classroom, K-12 multi-language learner instructional specialist, district leadership, university professor, as well as a mentor for teachers nationwide. A National Board Certificated Teacher, Annette focuses her research on accelerating learning and advancing achievement, personalizing instruction, technology, and leadership in the education field.

This Post Has 34 Comments

  1. Kat

    What a great interactive trip! I love seeing all the different ways people incorporate STEM learning. Museums are so much fun!

    1. Annette Durbin

      Thanks, Kat! The kids get excited about active learning. STEM is right there for learning!

      Take care,
      ~ Annette

    1. Annette Durbin

      You bet, Tricia!! What better place than Boeing and the Museum of Flight!

      Thanks for stopping by!
      ~ Annette

  2. T.M. Brown

    Your trip while visiting your son sounds like an amazing adventure together! Soooo much “amazing” there at that museum and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the idea of a virtual field trip to some of the great places. What an idea!

    1. Annette Durbin

      Thanks! Yes, lots of fun on that trip!! I’m excited to engage the kiddos with learning via a virtual trip, too. 👍🏼

      Take care,
      ~ Annette

  3. Katie

    What a cool activity to do with kids! Putting this on my bucket list for when we visit Seattle as a family!

    1. Annette Durbin

      Hello, Katie! You won’t be disappointed!! Let me know about your experience!!!

      Take care,
      ~ Annette

  4. Tina

    I love how passionate you are and how you try to show students how interesting science can be, through real life activities!

    1. Annette Durbin

      Thanks, Tina! I just hope to inspire the kiddos to ask questions and a self-desire to find the answers. Then I know I’ve done my job. 😀

      Thanks for stopping by!
      ~ Annette

  5. Jennifer

    This is such an amazing trip! My daughter works in the aerospace industry. I think I need to go there just so I can learn more and have thoughtful conversations with my grown daughter! LOl. Thanks for sharing this as I had no idea there was one.

    1. Annette Durbin

      Hey Jennifer! I know exactly how you feel!! I certainly feel like I learned more about the field to ask better questions. LOL There is sooo much to learn. I highly recommend a trip there, perhaps with your daughter. She’ll be able to answer questions during the visit, AND it’s always fun to go on trips with family!

      Take care,
      ~ Annette

  6. Naomi

    Love the way you teach! We are so thankful that our children has a STEM program at school.

    1. Annette Durbin

      Naomi, I’m excited to hear your children get to experience the joy of learning, questioning, problem solving, and investigating their thinking!!! Tons of fun to teach and learn with a STEM focus!!

      Thanks for stopping by!
      ~ Annette

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