Classroom Organization
Organizing a classroom space requires thought, time, and tips. I have put together my best tips to help you organize your classroom, supplies, and the famous classroom library! After reviewing these tips, add your personal thoughts and time to your space, and you’ll be ready for success!
Remember, when your classroom is organized for the members in the room, you’ll find this space will be more efficient and a happier place to be. When this happens, you will benefit with a successful and stress free year ahead!! That’s a double #WinWin!
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Classroom Organization: Space
Let’s discuss classroom space. Organizing a classroom can be thought about in a similar way as organizing your house or a room in the house.
Back to School Tip #5
Like other spaces, when organizing a classroom there are several items to consider such as:
- furniture placement to allow movement throughout the room,
- a whole group classroom meeting area,
- small group and individual workspace,
- a pathway for the teacher to move easily about during whole group instruction,
- places for students to turn in work and collect work to take home,
- a welcome area or foyer to the classroom,
- a place for lunches, snacks, coats, and shoes, and other outdoor gear,
- student supplies storage,
- teacher supplies storage,
- instructional material storage,
- a classroom library,
- anything else that you need to engage students in learning that are specific to your teaching environment.
When looking at your space, take a few moments to sit in the room and ponder the information above. The thoughts you generate will help you design a well organized classroom. You’ll know you have the perfectly organized classroom when members can move easily throughout the room and learning takes place without transition chaos.
Classroom Organization: Decor
One of the ways to create a student-centered learning environment is to use student work and learning resources as decor. Oftentimes, educators spend a lot of money purchasing posters, signs, and other items for the classroom. Save your money!
Back to School Tip #6
Did you know when you place student generated lesson responses in the classroom, students use these resources to support their learning? Use anchor charts from lessons as student learning opportunities for all subjects. When students are learning the content, they will look in the area of the resource until they have mastered the material. This is a great opportunity to accelerate learning.
When lessons are properly delivered, learning resources are created. You can also use student work to display progress and promote pride in learning. Think about the refrigerators that are covered with student work and walls that have student pictures. A classroom is no different than the home. This “learning decor” is a perfect way to build and establish a classroom family community.

Classroom Organization: Library
Take time to develop and organize a classroom library full of high interest reading books, chapter books, and nonfiction and fiction stories across a variety of genres and reading levels.
Back to School Tip #7
Some libraries are organized by genres, others by reading levels, and yet others are organized by content. How you organize your library will need to work for you and your students.
I literally have hundreds of books around my classroom sorted by genres and placed in plastic tubs for student learning and enjoyment. Some book tubs are based on content and a couple tubs are grade level.
When I teach reading and writing lessons, I can easily pick up any piece of children’s literature and use this for a lesson. Then I place the book along my chalkboard ledge for students to read during independent reading. The nonfiction collections make great reads for science and social studies lessons.
One tip to remember: Teach your students how to utilize your classroom library and establish a monitoring system, so your library stays organized throughout the year. However you decide to organize your classroom library will need to fit the literacy usage needs in your room. Maintaining a great collection of books for students and YOU is money and time well spent.
Classroom Organization: Related Resources
Check out these related resources to find more tips to create a well organized classroom learning environment.
Classroom Organization: Final Thoughts
Maintaining an organized classroom is essential to running an efficient learning environment that supports a high quality educational program. Taking the time to plan the day-to-day interactions and movements in the space will ensure you and your students are getting the most our of the learning space. After you have your space organized, reflect upon how everything is going and make adjustments when and where needed.
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